Sunday, 22 September 2013

GTA5 Review

Out of ten I'd say it is -


Enough said, buy the game if you haven't already.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Anyone feeling homesick lately?

Remember all those times when you look up at night and see the arm of the Milky Way scattering light years across the sky and think 'I'm sure that's wonky.' Yeah me too. Well it turns out there is a reason why the thing isn't straight. (it's meant to be straight by the way).

The reason is our little solar system isn't actually of this galaxy. The Milky Way is our adopted galaxy, our parent galaxy is called the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. We are currently at the end of a 2 billion year feasting session concerning the monster Milky and our little parent collection of stars. In the below linked article it goes on to say that eventually we'll be fully assimilated into our new galaxy. ( I wish there was another word for galaxy but I can't spell thesauruas properly.)* It says that this current process could be the cause of global warming and we'll see in the future a rise in all energy types.

 This is my favourite part because there is nothing that pleases me more that fucking with global-warmingists. The theory says that because the Milky Way is so much larger then the Sagittarius and has much more mass, energy and heat, our little planet is simply adopting all this, which is the increase for our global temperature. Of course there is counter arguments to it and I'm not saying I believe it, but wouldn't it funny?? No longer would we have to have 58473 different wheely bins because fuck it 7 billion can't change the mind of a galaxy 621,371,189,999,999,400 miles long.

Another thought occurs to me: In school or when we've seen things on tele about stars and what not no one has said 'Oh by the way that big thing in the sky isn't meant to be like that.' Wouldn't have that been a little interesting, that mystery that the biggest concentration of stars in the sky isn't as it should be. As if God had a party while his wife was away, messed the place up and put everything not quiet back to where it should be. Then when she came home just pretended like nothing happened. What else isn't as it should be? Is the sun actually meant to be pink or is gravity actually supposed to be visible?

Where did I put Debra's tea-towels?

The questions are never ending just like the never ending job of science. Maybe they don't bring these things up because they don't like saying 'Yeah we don't know why these things happen.' Who would pay a doctor to say 'I don't know why he's bleeding' or a builder to say 'I don't know why the buildings slanted maybe it's from another fucking Galaxy!'

*Obviously I could've typed it into google and it would've popped up anyway, but it wouldn't have been hilarious then would it!

For further reading:
Original Article

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Who is Ecclectic Geek? What is Ecclectic Geek? Is he real? What does he eat? Fish or lava? These are questions you probably asked yourself. Mystery surrounds this blog like a mysterious thing that surrounds other things. Well with this entry I intend to lift the enigma so you are free to read this blog without anxiety or fear of the unknown.

I am without a doubt a geek. If it has an electric current going through there is a good chance I have an interest in it. However my life doesn't just revolve around games or films I also like chocolate and being warm. Xbox's and playstation's are just the spine that make up the body of the Ecclectic Geek. There is the legs which represent my love for football, the arms that show my likeness for youtube videos or the ears that are of course my emphatic interest in literature. I feel that this metaphor has got a bit muddled up. The point is there are a  million million things in this world that I take an interest in. I have an opinion on every single one of those things, that range from a likeness, indifference or sheer indefatigable hatred. The latter of course being Abba.

The 21st century is hitting its teens and during those years, it's when things get their most interesting. From the largest machines that can create the smallest and destructive things known to man to current foreign policy concerning Israel. I aim to comment on every single thing that requires attention. But mainly it's going to be about games and films.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Biggger isn't always better.

Two things happened in the past two months of particular note. One - Dead Rising 2 and Case Zero were released on marketplace for free for gold members. Two - GTA5's map were leaked online. Now these two things had no connection, except they were both amazing and made me salivate, but both made me think how bigger isn't always better.

GTA5's map is huge, massive, even epic. Word on the gamevine is that if you put Vice City, San Andreas and Liberty City next to each, it would fit inside this new world. This could only be good news, with a bigger map it means more places to explore, get lost in and blow things up. Every time a new GTA comes out we think about how much fun we had on the previous one and then multiply that fun by 10. The new map gives our imagination a platform, combine the trailers and our mind is racing with possibilities with what we are going to do when we get our hands on the game.

However huge maps don't make a great sandbox game. I've found the bigger the sandbox the harder it is to be immersed into the world. When I was playing DR2 and Case Zero this month I found myself putting in so many more hours into CZ then DR2. Why? Because DR2 is too big, there is too much in it. It is a great game and hours of fun can be had, but as replayability and exploration go Case Zero wins. It is small enough to be immersed into the game. As you go through every alley way and doorway you know that every secret is at your fingertips. Were as DR2 you can easily get lost with too many doorways and weapon combinations.

Ask most GTA players and they'll tell you their favourite is Vice City, even though it has the smallest map in the game's history. The game was possible to master, you could seen everything and anything obviously you had to put in a lot of time but it was digestible.  San Andreas and GTA4 were huge, it had so much depth that exploration seemed endless. Mastery of the game was so far away and hard to achieve that who could be bothered searching every nook and cranny. It's the equivalent of playing in your local park and playing in a national park. You have been over every inch of that park and know every little hideaway and every secret little garden. Try doing that in a national park, all that childlike exploration would have grown up by the time you finish.

Ask yourself how many times have you re-played Vice City. Including story-line, side missions, races and personal adventures of course. Now ask yourself how many times did you replay GTA4 and San Andreas. It's a good guess that Vice City hold more replays then GTA4 and San Andreas.

GTA5 will be massive and fun. It will stir so many conversations between work mates, colleagues and friends. Mondays won't be boring because we'll be busy telling each others adventures that spanned the weekend. Personally my favourite was San Andreas but even I had completed Vice City more times then GTA4, San Andreas and possibly GTA5 combined...