Friday, 11 October 2013

Shopping and the two sexes

There's a few pro's and cons to being a male same with being a female. The saddest thing however is that women love to shop. This isn't a stereotype, its a fact, we all know it and I only deal in facts. Facts and toys like Father Christmas except I'm not a paedophile. The sad part to this is, women are awful shoppers specifically clothes.

It's true that like most men in a relationship we've had to go along with them when they shop. Now if they are good girlfriends they won't have you in the shops for too long, luckily thats the relationship I'm in. However I got a glimpse at what it was like to be a female shopper. For something they love so much it causes them so much pain. Again these are things I know, facts and toys remember, but without children. They get all flustered and annoyed with sizes, things aren't in the right colour, one piece is fine but won't match the whole ensemble of the dress. It's a psychological battle between two parts of their brain and sometimes neither side win. This is how men shop: Walk in, scan racks, sees something he likes, picks up, decides, buys/walks out. Boom! Done. Completed. World saved. With women its: fwetfhewiofjdsojfdiowjfdajfgreai! ARGH! My leg! THE HORROR. In that order. Again facts, not a paedo.

Another thing men will walk in to the changing rooms with max three items, women will have the most amount you are allowed which I'm sure is more then what the men are allocated (sexism? I might have to investigate further) and not even buy one of these things. I'm sure we both like the purchases we get with the same amount of appreciation for how they make us too, but we (men) don't get all that excess baggage. For example women return clothes! Men we try our clothes on (if this is even necessary) and think 'yeah I like it' or 'nah i don't like it' either way we make up our minds there then. Women will try it on, then something in their thought process goes missing, they buy it, then go home and decided they don't fucking want it. Excuse me universe but something is wrong with the natural order of how women shop. Le Facts, je ne paedo pas!

I just thought however that I love Liverpool FC so...

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