Sunday, 13 April 2014

Is it weird that I have about 4 man crushes?

As metrosexuality becomes less of a word an more of the hetrosexuality I wonder are we all just turning gay? - says my mate. I'm just power quoting from him. There is James Franco, Adam from Girls and Leonardo Dicaprio. Beautifully intelligent men who's only default is that they are not my friends. I didn't think anything of this, I just thought they were people to look up to and wish I was them. Until when I said to my girlfriend 'Hey I really think me and Adam off Girls would be good friends.' In which she replied in a fierce fit of jealously, that I must be gay and want bum sex with 'the guy from the temples, James Franco...' and listed off my man crushes. 

I had to really think if I was gay or not. It took me a weeks long soul searching to realise I couldn't find this out on my own and I despaired. In a the dark confused pit of my own sexuality inspiration came to me. I will make a documentary. I began writing the narrative, contacting LGBT support groups and recent famous out person Tom Daley.

After 14 months of filming and editing my film was complete, 'Man crush or Man Love.' 83 minutes of my character arch right before my eyes. Sadly however I will not be trying to publish the film. After those 83 minutes I was still confused, my character arch went back on itself. But luckily I had one more experiment left. I sat in front of my laptop and watched some gay porn and then not gay porn. That's when I knew what I was, I had a lot more fun with the not gay porn.

So girls don't be jealous if your men admire other men, its not gay because we don't have erections.

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