Thursday 22 January 2015

Photoblog: Christmas in New York

'Woah, what's going on its not Christmas anymore, you're either forgetful or extremely lazy!' I hear you all say well I'll tell you erm...erm... I forget my poin-oh whatever.

Ha joke.

But to actually address your wrongful accusation I've chosen late January for this post for a very purposeful reason. We are all down that the earth is now 2015 years old :P and Christmas went by in a flash. Well it's not! It's inside all of us all the time. Who says we can't watch Scrooged or Die Hard a hot day in May? Who? No one. You can make Christmas happen every day. Just like I am about, look at these photo's and plan your 2015 Christmas now and look forward to it all year round!

 I actually can't skate how depressing is
this photo when you realise that

 'New York at Christmas is meh' said no one ever

 The original Father Christmas.
Children would sit on his lead lap,
tell him their presents only to be greeted by
the sound of silence. Just like today.

 New York City Public Library

How boss is that?

And that. New York is pure scouse.

You have no idea how long it took me to
get this shot.

 I'd Rock-er-fella

Buy your tickets quick!

Okay I know you were expecting the parade but we slept in okay! We work long and late when we live in New York. Not like you bitches who come for 2 weeks and get up at 7 am everyday because they're on holiday. We work in New York, long hours, no breaks. I ate on the train yesterday, my breakfast as well as my dinner. We just don't have time! I'm sorry, to make up here is a milkshake.

It was tidy. And here are our feet.

We are tidy.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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