Monday 23 February 2015

1 Thing Mums Should Stop Saying

Mothers have great advice. In most cases they'll be either the number 1 or 2 person you'll call about a problem. The life experiences mothers gather are so unique yet relatable it'll be hard to find a problem that cannot be solved by their advice.

However they do come up with some shit that is based on no evidence or personal experience whatsoever. Merely a comment passed down by their mother who was too busy making dinner that they didn't have time to focus on the problem.

One of these is 'Take your jacket off inside because you won't feel the benefit when you go outside.' This is so far from the truth it makes the distance between Earth and Pluto look like the 100m dash.

Living in New York facing -13 temperature isn't the most harshest of conditions but it has taught me a thing or two about the cold. When dealing with cold weather you have to think of it like your body is a fortress and the cold is a besieging force.

When an army attacks a castle, the defending force doesn't put their defences up last minute so the castle will 'feel the benefits of the moat, boiling water, murder holes and stockpiled supplies when the attacking force comes.' No they prepare as soon as they discover about the attack.

No castle or fortress can survive forever, it comes down to a case of supplies. The attacking force starves the defenders out if they do not have the overwhelming force to take the castle. Sun Tzu said an attacking force needs to outnumber the enemy 4-1 at least if the attacking force wants to win.

Like the cold no matter how many layers you wear the cold will eventually get to you. Yet if you stockpile your warmth when you go out into the cold it'll take longer for the cold to get to you. Most of my journeys have been a quick walk to the train station so I stockpile my warmth for they 5 minute walk.

Wear as many layers before going, in fact you should wear more so you are literally sweating before you got out. I'd say even wear them when you go out but you may look silly. This, my friends is fact!

Maybe another pair of socks

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