Saturday 9 November 2013

Filthy hands

So I was minding my own business, doing my shift in my restaurant and I noticed no less then five tables, during my six hours using their own sanitiser. I'm just concerned about what on Earth do these people do with their hands when they are not eating food. Are there jobs out there that people just have to have their hands in homeless people's a-holes all day? Or instead of driving cars do people have bikes made of pig poo and they have to pump the tires with aids? Not only this, but these people have knives and forks. The most virus preventing utensils the world has ever seen.

I would be interested in finding out the cases of food poisoning from let's say the 70's and now and then correlate the data with the amount of bottles of sanitiser sold to middle class families and see if there is an improvement.

You see our white blood cells are actually tough bastards but they let us have a few days off work, then go in and headbutt the foreign bodies out of our system. Now because of all this sanitiser killing all the germs we're not letting them have any warm up fights. This means when some crazy viruses come along it's like an year eleven school bully (virus) beating up a year seven on his first day (white blood cells). Instead of a fifty year old gypsy bareknuckle pub hard-case (white blood cells) vs a kitten (virus).

This has nothing to do with the blog
but it whatever

I actually fear for future generations of the human race because even if the sanitiser thing works, it's not like millions of people were dying. So as evolution stumbles its way to answer trillions of humans will die because our immune system will deplete because of our incessant need to have clean hands when we eat. You see you bastards by cleaning your hands before you eat you are committing genocide.

Related reading:

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