Monday 11 November 2013

Fire Alarm Brainwashing

Remember in school when the fire alarm would go off for ten seconds and just g off. The teachers told us that they were just testing the system and that we should continue with our work. Fast forward until present day and remember your last reaction to a fire alarm. Or any warning sign for that matter.

 To be fair this would
be ignored as well

Today in my flat, the fire alarm went off and like any normal person I ignored for a long time. It was only for the fact that I was worried about my girlfriend that I decided to check the building. I couldn't smell any smoke when I poked my head out the window so I went down a floor to see if the ringing was there. I took the staircase, no smell of smoke and the ringing was constant. Even so I went upstairs and just to be safe said let's get out of the building.

There were about five people outside three of whom were in the lift with us before more people starting coming out. Now in all this time the ringing had been going on for at least fifteen real minutes. A worst case scenario fire will consume a living room in about ten seconds.

Arrrr sheet

As I've said I work in a restaurant and we've been shown our fire evacuation procedures and we've groaned and moaned when we've done them. There has been a handful of times the fire alarm has went off and all people do is look at each other basing their decision on whether to leave on everyone else.

I'm not saying we should all jump up, panic and run and I'm not even saying that we should all leave every time there is an alarm, since every single one I've been involved in has been a false alarm, or close to minimal. But I blame our inability to consider these fires as a possibility because of these stupid fire alarm tests in school. It has subconsciously drilled into us that fire alarms are things to be ignored because there is a good chance it is just a little accident, when in fact it is the total opposite of the whole point of them.

Just another reason to hate school I guess.

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